8 Comic Book Film Adaptations You Didn't Know Were In Development

3. HK/Hentai Kamen

Another manga adaptation here, and one that screams 'crazy' at the top of its lungs. A sequel to the 2013 adaptation of Keishū Ando's manga series, HK follows a socially awkward team who develops superpowers after wearing the underpants of his sex worker mother on his head. Yeah. Top that, Marvel. Adopting the supername Hentai Kamen (translation: Ultimate!! Pervert Mask), he decides to use his newfound abilities to rid the world of evil. The manga is obviously not suitable for kids, but if you feel in the mood for something a bit more naughty than the usual fare, then check it out. The first film was a moderate hit in Japan, and the second can be expected to do the same when it debuts there in May. It will follow our underwear-clad hero as he investigates the disappearance of panties all over the world. The series just gets weirder as it goes along. No plans yet for a worldwide release though.
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