8 Comic Book Film Adaptations You Didn't Know Were In Development

2. Wilson

Comic writer and artist Daniel Clowes uses the medium to tell stories about life, love and tragedy, without an action sequence or a superhero in sight. He's no stranger to the world of movie adaptations though; Ghost World and Art School Confidential were both based on his works. The next cinematic outing based on one of his creations is Wilson, from The Skeleton Twins director Craig Johnson, which stars Woody Harrelson as the titular character. He's an ageing man who constantly reflects on his past romances whilst also trying to rebuild his relationships to put an end to his loneliness. Yeah, this is probably the most depressing entry on the list; the comic was basically a drama about a man wishing that he'd made the right decisions, meaning we should be in for lots of internalised conflict.
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David Gelmini hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.