7 Star Wars Characters Who Might Get A Spin-Off Movie

6. Mace Windu

Whereas Yoda would be a bad idea for a spin-off film, the other Master on the council that deserves a spin-off is Mace Windu. A story about Mace Windu post Revenge of the Sith and during the rise of the Empire would be excellent. You might ask how this is possible as the audience saw his death at the hands of Darth Sidious. But did we really see Mace Windu die? Two other beloved Star Wars characters, Darth Maul and Boba Fett, saw on screen ends by seemingly falling to their deaths into bottomless pits, only to re-emerge once more to play a hand in the events that shape the Star Wars Galaxy. We witnessed Darth Maul return in the Clone Wars and Boba Fett has lived on in the Expanded Universe. Why not bring a hero back from a bottomless pit in the form of Mace Windu? It is well known that Samuel L. Jackson is a diehard Star Wars fan and that he practically strong armed George Lucas into putting him into the movies back when the prequels were being put together. Approach him about a Mace Windu standalone film and there's absolutely no doubt he would be back.

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” - George Bernard Shaw