7 Superhero Films That Are Just As Good As Marvel And DC

4. Kick-Ass

Rsz Megamind Ultimate Showdown Front Fotor Fotor
Universal Pictures

Mathew Vaughn's Kick-Ass films follow the less than successful civilian turned superhero Dave Lizewski who attempts to rid his city of crime without his any powers of his own.

Based on the famous comics of the same name, the action comedy's first movie was released in cinemas in 2010, and the highly anticipated sequel only three years afterwards.

The movies can be described as hyper-violent - with fast paced, Kill-Bill style gory action in places that challenge the genre's themes from the moment the opening scene of the movie begins.

Both films include extremely dark humour throughout, and A-list star acting from a cast including Nicolas Cage, Jim Carrey, Mark Strong and Chloe Grace Moretz, offering complex unique characters throughout.

The first movie received 96.2 million dollars in the box office and gained a large fandom following into the second.

Vaughn's stylistic imprint is adamant throughout the film, and ultimately shows how different the superhero genre can be with only a few clever changes.


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