7 Superhero Films That Are Just As Good As Marvel And DC

3. Hancock

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Released within the same year as the beginning of the Marvel phase Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk, Hancock offers a much more darker tone following an unpopular superhero in the middle of Los Angeles played by Will Smith.

After being ridiculed within the city, alcoholic super John Hancock soon realises he is not the only one of his kind after his wife returns to him, and he seeks civilian redemption with the help of his public relations lawyer.

The movie includes both comedy, high quality special effects and unique action. It was originally rated an R before scenes were cut for a PG-13 rating instead, after development from script to screen took eleven years and moved from a variety of companies and actors.

Debatably shadowed by the Marvel Studios releases, Hancock received mixed reviews, especially with the ending, however gives a more realistic take on the superhero theme.

It still took the fourth spot of the highest grossing movie of 2008.

The year after the film's release, it was hinted that the hero may return in a sequel however no more news has come out from this.


New Writer! Comic book movie lover, 80's films and 'nerdy' TV shows