7 Superhero Films That Are Just As Good As Marvel And DC

2. Unbreakable

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Buena Vista Pictures

M. Night Shyamalan's psychological thriller Unbreakable (or Eastrail 177) trilogy ran from 2000-2019 with Split and Glass taking the third and second titles of the franchise.

The films follow three protagonists who believe themselves to have superpowers.

One with the power of invincibility after being the sole survivor of a train crash (Bruce Willis), one with bones that shatter at the slightest change (Samuel Jackson) and a split personality patient who harnesses the power of a beast within himself (James McAvoy).

Shyamalan deconstructs the genre and focuses on the character's consequences in the real world. All three films focus on the dark minds of the individuals and the reaction of those around them.

It's direction is extremely different to anything seen in the superhero cinematic universe that dominate the big screen, and is therefore definitely worth the watch.

In 2011, Time listed the first instalment as one of the top ten superhero films of all time which over time gained a large cult following compared to the director's lesser successful movies. The sequel, sixteen years later was revealed to connect to the first at the end of the narrative, as Willis appeared as a cameo in a café.


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