7 Superhero Films That Are Just As Good As Marvel And DC

1. The Incredibles

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In 2004, The Incredibles' first film hit cinemas, following the animated storyline of a superhero family in their quest to legalise supers in the city, whilst saving Mr Incredible from the evil villain Syndrome who seeks his revenge.

2018 saw the anticipated sequel released, that focused on mother Elastigirl's adventures and the kids Violet, Dash and Jack Jack as they came to terms with their own superpowers.

Although a children's Disney Pixar movie, The Incredibles carries a range of themes that do not follow the typical superhero narrative. It was the first PG rated film from the production company, as it showed the consequences of a government that fails to see the supers as heroes causing them to live in secret.

Each character within the movie is fleshed out in surprisingly detailed ways, the concept of the storyline was unique, and the sequel just as good.

It scored 97 percent on Rotten Tomatoes and a whopping 633 million dollars in the box office, becoming one of the most successful Pixar movies for audiences and critics alike. It is a much loved classic for the genre and can be enjoyed by all ages.

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New Writer! Comic book movie lover, 80's films and 'nerdy' TV shows