7 Things Movies Always Get Wrong About College

2. Spring Break Is A Sex-Filled Romp In Mexico

Van Wilder
Columbia Pictures

For most college kids, the actual school year experience and the non-stop keggers that surely come with it are second only to that one joyous week at the tail end of the school year: Spring Break.

"This is going to be epic," they say to themselves, tracking down every neon clothing item they own, including the Kanye West-style sunglasses. "SPRING BREEEEAAAAAAK!"

But unless you're lucky enough to have parents who paid your way through school and were cool with forking over an extra grand so you can go slam shots and grope strangers while surrounded by the semi-clear waters of Cancun, this is probably an unrealistic expectation.

For most college kids, Spring Break is either going to be a boring, weeklong reminder that you desperately need access to a washer and drier that isn't your parents, or it'll be a time to catch up with the friends you haven't seen since you departed to different colleges.

Or both.

Or maybe you'll be lucky enough to have the "traditional" Spring Break experience. But if you do, don't be surprised if every second isn't filled with jello shots and wet t-shirt contests. It's probably going to be way more chill than that.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.