7 Upcoming Movie Trailers That Are Probably Tricking You

4. Xenomorphs Are Barely In It - Alien: Covenant

logan hugh jackman

The most common complaint about Prometheus is that it suffered from an identity crisis of sorts: it wanted to dine out on the brand identity of the Alien franchise but couldn't commit to being a straight-up Alien prequel that directly set up that film's events.

Now Prometheus' follow-up actually has the word "Alien" in the title and features a quick glimpse of a Xenomorph in the first trailer, but is this all just part of yet another marketing manipulation?

While most fans probably don't want to see much more of the Xenos before the movie releases, that will make it incredibly easy for Fox to imply they have a big role in the film only for them to be a tiny fixture, while the rest of the movie focuses on new, less-iconic creatures.

There's not much reason for Fox to do that, but then, there wasn't much reason for them to pull the same s*** with Prometheus either.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.