7 Upcoming Movie Trailers That Are Probably Tricking You

3. The Third Act Is Still A Mess - Logan

logan hugh jackman
20th Century Fox

Pretty much everyone has been seduced by Logan's bleakly beautiful trailers and that ever-important R-rating, implying that after two solo outings released to mixed response, the third time will finally be the charm.

It's easy to be optimistic, but what if Fox are doubling down on showing off the brutal violence and colourful language in order to mask the fact that Logan ends up tripping over itself in the third act?

It's a problem that has assailed both prior solo Wolverine movies, and considering that Logan's script was co-written by the minds behind not just The Wolverine but also Green Lantern, it's probably healthy to be at least a little skeptical about how it all ends.

History is working against Logan here, but fingers crossed Fox just has an awesome movie on their hands.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.