7 Ups And 9 Downs From San Andreas

3. The "Don't You Quit On Me!" Cliche

Right at the end of the movie, Blake gets trapped in a flooded area that's slowly filling up with water. Her father tries to get to her, but all he can do is helplessly watch her drown in easily the film's most disturbing scene. However, after staring at his daughter dying for a good minute or so, it eventually occurs to him that he can try and break down the barriers between them and get to her. In his most superhuman display of strength in the whole movie, he breaks it open and quickly swims with Blake to the surface, where he attempts CPR on a speedboat piloted by Emma. However, it's to no avail, and as Emma breaks down crying, Ray too realises that it's not going to work. However, after seeing the despair in his ex-wife's face, he decides to try again, saying, "I'm not gonna lose you too!", and what do you know, after a few more chest compressions, she spits out some water and appears to be completely fine. It's one of the most absurd Hollywood cliches there is, and the movie tricks it out like it's completely new. It'd be admirably cheeky if it wasn't so dull and unimaginative.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.