7 Ways Movie Theaters Can Be More Exciting

4. Give Discounts For Older Films


If theaters are wary of programming double features, they could at least make tickets for older movies cheaper. By older, I mean from around 3 weeks or older. The reasoning is this: when a film debuts, it rakes in most of its money during opening weekend. Unless you are rolling out Oscar-bait, the audience is hyped up for the opening day and turn out in droves to be one of the first to see a new movie. As time goes on, the movie makes less and less each subsequent weekend until finally, it is taken out of the theater.

So if you have less people attending said movie, why not encourage us to watch it by dangling a cheaper ticket price? You may not pay $11 to see Fast & Furious 6 but maybe you would pay $6 in lieu of waiting 4-6 months for the DVD.

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Ryan Estabrooks is a film writer/director and photographer. When he is not busy solving mysteries, he can be found working on his feature length film. You can view all of his work at the imaginatively-titled RyanEstabrooks.com