8 Actors Pissed Off By Their Movie Character Deaths

2. Sean Bean - In His Future Films

Mark Hamill As Luke Skywalker In The Last Jedi

Sean Bean is famous for one thing in particular: he dies in EVERYTHING.

Although there are a number of well-known actors with even more on-screen deaths, Bean is most notable because every major role he takes seemingly ends badly for him. It soon became something of a joke among followers of his work, and soon the actor's propensity for death found immortality as a meme.

While the actor has always seemed to take his fragile mortality in his stride, he has recently spoken out about it in terms of how it affects his career.

Bean has gone on record to say that he's started turning down roles in which his character is set to die, partly because he feels it would spoil the story for the audience.

It's not hard to sympathise with him, either. Imagine being remembered not for the quality of your acting, or even the stories you were a part of, but simply for dying. It's a fate much worse than death, which is something that Sean Bean knows an awful lot about.


Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.