8 Actors Pissed Off By Their Movie Character Deaths

1. Bryan Cranston - Joe Brody (Godzilla, 2014)

Mark Hamill As Luke Skywalker In The Last Jedi
Warner Bros. Pictures

Bryan Cranston has spent years slowly building a reputation as one of the finest actors of a generation, and his casting as the lead in 2014's Godzilla revival seemed to serve as further proof of his ability as a leading man.

Even though Cranston was publicised as Godzilla's lead and was heavily featured in all of the movie's promotional material, the studio made the bizarre decision to kill off his character, Joe Brody, at around the halfway mark.

A rather odd narrative decision, to say the least, and Cranston wasn't exactly supportive of the decision.

During an interview, Cranston said:

"That character dying at that time was a mistake. It was. It was a mistake. I knew it when I read it. When I read it, I said, ‘Oh, page 50, this character - who is the emotional core, the center that was guiding the story up to that point – he dies? What a waste.’ And they kind of dealt with it poorly."

Cranston did agree that the character's death could be an important moment for the emotional weight of the movie, but he disagreed with the way it was done, going on to say:

“Even if I wasn’t doing this role, that character shouldn’t die at that point. That’s just bad narrative.”

You're right, Bryan Cranston, it really was.


Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.