8 Actors We Wish Hadn’t Already Appeared In The MCU

5. Sam Neill

Doctor Strange Mads Mikkelsen
Marvel Studios

Sam Neill's cameo role in Thor: Ragnarok was nothing short of hilarious. Seeing him - and other notable names - take on the parts of actors portraying Odin, Loki, and Thor was an eye-catching moment and a highlight for the film. With that being said, it was still a cameo role, and it felt like a waste of this actor.

There are plenty of better places that Neill's talents could have been used. For example, as a father figure role for a newly introduced hero, a leading villain, or even a recurring governmental figure akin to Thaddeus/Everett Ross.

While his casting here undoubtedly made a stir - and he will even be reprising the role in Thor: Love and Thunder - it's still a shame that the decorated performer spent his Marvel chip on such a brief appearance.

Other stars were also part of this gag, such as Matt Damon as Loki and Luke Hemsworth as Thor, but they worked perfectly as seeing those actors in other roles could have been distracting, thanks to Damon's influential star power and Hemsworth's family ties. On the other hand, Neill has enough anonymity to have been able to play a more significant part of the Marvel puzzle.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!