8 Actors Who Will Ruin Their Upcoming Movies

3. Dakota Johnson And Jamie Dornan - Anastasia Steele And Christian Grey (Fifty Shades Of Grey)

What's the one thing the Fifty Shades Of Grey movie needs to have to work as more than just soft-core porn for middle-aged women? Contrary to what the mainstream media seems to think, it's not balls. The fact that Sam Taylor-Johnson's movie won't feature full-frontal nudity should surprise no one with a scant understand of how the MPAA operates, although that hasn't stopped the Daily Mail and co. sensationalising the fact that audiences won't get to see Christian Grey's dong. No, the thing that will make or break the movie is the chemistry between the two leads. There's famously a lot of power play between Grey and Anastasia Steele, but on a fundamental level there needs to be some spark between the two characters. And that's something that Dakota Johnson And Jamie Dornan just don't seem to have. Whether they look accurate to the book is inconsequential - if there's no underlying attraction the whole thing falls flat. This isn't just based on wild speculation either - there's been extensive reshoots explicitly because the pair didn't work well enough together. Guess that's what happens when you've only got small-time actors so desperate for their big break they'll star in a BDSM Mills and Boon novel.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.