8 Most Anticipated Non-Sequel Films Of 2014

6. Guardians Of The Galaxy

Believe it or not, this will be the first Marvel film in three years to feature a set of new characters. With The Avengers and sequels to Iron Man and Thor, there€™s been little time for Marvel to take a leap with any new property. The success of the studios 2012 team up has now, however, allowed them the opportunity to release a net and see what they catch, with the likes of Ant-Man and this years Guardians of the Galaxy the first to bite. Director James Gunn is known for his bizarre and sometimes grotesque approach to visuals and storytelling. His previous films Super and Slither have divided critics for just this reason, so it will be interesting to see the length of Marvel's leash. The bold casting choices assembled for the film is also one of its most valuable selling points. From academy award nominee Bradley Cooper to former WWE wrestler Dave Bautista, the acting choices are as surprisingly different as seeing a talking raccoon and a walking tree.

As a pretty nerdy guy, I've loved film and television since I was a wee lad. Growing up in Ireland, The Den was the show to watch with it playing Batman The Animated Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation and everything in between. I have an MA in Radio and Television Production and have written for various sites, hope you enjoy my articles/lists for What Culture!