8 Awesome Things You Can Accomplish While Drunk Or High (According To The Movies)
3. Make Millions On Wall Street The Wolf Of Wall Street
Martin Scorsese's extravagant 'The Wolf Of Wall' Street taught us that, whether its drink, drugs or masturbation, everyone on Wall Street has their way of dealing with the pressure of making vast quantities of money. Jordan Belfort engages excessively in all three, and the director's not exactly shy about letting you know it. Wolf Of Wall Street races through Belfort's early years as a bright-eyed entrepreneur setting up his firm Stratton Oakmont in order to indulge alongside the stockbroker and his numerous vices. To Belfort, life was about the excess. Excess money, excess alcohol, excess women, excess lifestyle. Whilst the movies was based on the true story of the real-life Belfort, Scorsese and DiCaprio embellish it to paint the picture of a permanently drunk, permanently high anti-hero. As such you could be forgiven for skipping over the fact that the man had a revolutionary business plan and a streak ruthless enough to pull it off. People just wanted to see more dwarf-tossing and naked ladies. But still, my message is this you can't just come off the back of watching Wolf Of Wall Street, smoke a joint and expect to marry Margot Robbie. Its not going to happen.