8 Batsh*t Crazy Theories For The Plots Of Marvel's Phase 4

5. The Avengers Meet The X-Men

If the success of Deadpool proves anything, it's that 20th Century Fox are far from in trouble with their X-Men Universe. As a result, them making a deal with Marvel similar to what Sony did is extremely unlikely (X-Men: Days of Future Past did great numbers back in 2014), but with so many comic book movies coming out between now and 2019, what if the "superhero fatigue" people keep talking about becomes a reality? Avengers: Age of Ultron shocked everyone by making less than The Avengers. Sure, there wasn't a huge difference, but many box office analysts predicted that a sequel would break box office records by earning over $2 billion. With Marvel taking a risk by giving so many new characters their own movies in Phase 3, they may just want to consider turning to Fox by the time Phase 4 kicks off in order to reignite interest in the genre. Some sort of crossover with the X-Men franchise would do the job, and a movie pitting these teams against each other would stand a very real chance of giving Avatar a run for its money at the worldwide box office. If this one happens, I would expect it to be closer to the end of Phase 4, but with Marvel and Fox seemingly on better terms now than they have been in the past, don't be surprised to see something like this happen!
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MCU Phase 4
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