8 Batsh*t Crazy Theories For The Plots Of Marvel's Phase 4

4. The Big Three Are Recast

As we reach the end of Phase 3, a number of contracts are also going to end. While some will no doubt be renewed, Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., and Chris Hemsworth all leaving the MCU seems likely. Evans has made it clear that he wants to move into directing, Marvel barely managed to convince Downey Jr. to extend his contract for an insane amount of money, and Hemsworth might just want to try something different! Kevin Feige has made it clear that reboots aren't something they're interested in doing and that these characters will live on just like James Bond. Leaving the massively profitable Iron Man franchise on the shelf because Downey Jr. isn't keen on doing another one can only last so long, and while we could see Sebastian Stan take over as Captain America, I don't see Marvel replacing Tony Stark inside that armour. With Thor, bringing the female version of that character to the big screen would work (Hemsworth could still appear in a much smaller supporting role), but the big three as we know them will definitely undergo some massive changes in Phase 4. All the rumours are pointing to their respective stories culminating in Avengers: Infinity War, so a fresh start - rather than putting them on the shelf - ultimately feels like the way they'll go.
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MCU Phase 4
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