8 Batsh*t Crazy Theories For The Plots Of Marvel's Phase 4

3. Avengers: World War Hulk

Seeing as The Hulk is taking a trip into the cosmos with Thor next year (a journey which seems likely to continue into Avengers: Infinity War), it would be smart for Marvel to take him off the board as we go into Phase 4. Leaving him stranded in space by his fellow Avengers would perfectly set up an adaptation of World War Hulk, an Avengers movie which would allow the Jade Giant to take centre stage as the main antagonist. Powering up The Hulk a little and teaming him up with his own group of alien warriors would result in an undeniably epic battle between the iconic character and Earth's Mightiest Heroes, and if the next iteration of The Avengers he comes up against is completely different to what we've seen before - whether that's in regards to the actors playing them or those chosen to be in the team - this would feel like something really fresh too. After Civil War, World War Hulk is one of Marvel's best even stories, and with the Skrulls off limits to Kevin Feige (meaning no Secret Invasion), common sense says that this will be a good place to turn. After all, while there are still plenty of bad guys The Avengers can square off against, having them go up an intelligent Hulk with an army by his side is ultimately going to prove a lot more appealing to moviegoers than Ultron 2.0!
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MCU Phase 4
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