8 Best Donald Glover Roles

1. Teddy Perkins - Atlanta

Donald Glover Lando Calrissian

The term FUBAR was popularised during the World War II, and if you don't know what it means then look it up on Google. Let it be known that no other acronym in the English language can truly represent Donald Glover's eldritch performance as Teddy Perkins in the second season of Atlanta.

When Darius goes to pick up a free piano at a large and dark mansion, you knew this might not deal in Atlanta's usual brand of comedy. Once there he meets Teddy, the owner of the piano and an unhinged recluse. Never has a show changed tone so dramatically before, to go from a comedy to a psychological-horror just for the one episode, but Atlanta pulled it off and then some.

Perkins in equal part terrifying and eerie as he lures Darius into his home, much like Hansel & Gretel's Witch, and pulls him into his sinister plot.

For his skin-crawling turn as Perkins, even in just the one episode of Atlanta, Glover demonstrated that not only does he have a far wider range than anybody knew, but also that he is willing to risk his own image and series in the pursuit of originality. Glover has never been better as an actor as he has as Teddy Perkins.


Matt N hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.