8 Burning Questions We Have After Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

5. Can The Indominus Rex Return?

Jurassic World Indoraptor
Universal Studios

The Indominus Rex is the nemesis of the Jurassic Park universe, the ultimate folly of InGen. It’s almost ridiculously powerful - able to turn invisible, plan strategically, take down highly-trained security officers, and understands what tracking devices are. Only the prehistoric version of the Suicide Squad, featuring Raptors, the T-Rex and the Mesosaurus, are able to bring it down.

All the audience sees of the I-Rex in Fallen Kingdom is a skeleton at the bottom of a lake. At great risk Dr Wu’s team managed to extract a section of bone from it, which Wu then took DNA from to create the Indoraptor. By the end of the movie, the I-Rex’s skeleton is presumably covered in lava and the remaining chunk is flattened by the T-Rex after it dines on Eli Mills. Presumably this means the end of the Indominus Rex.

Or does it? Did Dr Wu or InGen seriously not keep any back-ups of the I-Rex DNA, or even how they made it in the first place? Furthermore, the Indoraptor might not have been their only experiment - they could have spliced together another Indominus while the events of Fallen Kingdom were going on. Or do they not want to, and think the Indoraptor is an improvement?


Freelance writer. Loves videogames, movies, comic books, and is inexplicably drawn to videogame movies.