8 Burning Questions We Have After Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

4. Will There Be Any More Indoraptors?

Jurassic World Indoraptor
Universal Pictures

Fallen Kingdom concludes with the death of the Indoraptor on the rather conveniently placed horns of a Triceratops fossil skull, before it can be shipped off to Probably Important Russian Dude. Part of Dr Wu’s objection to selling it was the fact that this specimen is only a prototype, and everyone knows that in movies if you destroy the prototype there’s no chance of them making another one ever again (thank you Star Trek VI).

Then again, maybe not. When Wu makes his objections to the prototype being sold known to Mills, the man calmly replies, "then we’ll just make more." Is it really that easy to make Indoraptors, which don’t forget are a completely new species? Surely Jurassic World 3 won't introduce yet another brand new genetically-enhanced dinosaur? Part of the problem with Fallen Kingdom is that the Indoraptor really is just a retread of the Indominus Rex, so hopefully they won’t try it again - that's either Dr Wu or Colin Trevorrow.

Therefore it’s entirely possible that either the I-Rex or the Indoraptor might be making a return in the next movie - not that Fallen Kingdom tells us either way. Hopefully Dr Wu kept the manual, and the receipt.


Freelance writer. Loves videogames, movies, comic books, and is inexplicably drawn to videogame movies.