8 Burning Questions We Have After Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

3. Will Maisie Being A Clone Affect The Series?

Jurassic World Indoraptor

One of the most surprising, and frankly colossally ill-advised, twists in a movie this year was the reveal that Lockwood’s granddaughter Maisie is not, in fact, his granddaughter - she’s actually a clone of his daughter. The Jurassic Park series has always dealt with this topic, as of course the dinosaurs were brought back to life through advanced cloning techniques - as Principal Seymour Skinner once reminded us. This reveal, on the other hand, is the first mention of using InGen’s advanced technology to create humans.

There are plenty of features on why this twist is the dumbest, stupidest thing ever, and a bad direction for a series previously entirely about dinosaurs to head down. There's no need to discuss how idiotic it is any further, but as much as we dislike it - this is a major plot point that seemingly will be dealt with further in Jurassic World 3.

The only question is, what the heck does it mean? What can the introduction of human cloning do for a movie where dinosaurs are invading Las Vegas? Additionally, why Maisie? We understand that Lockwood missed his daughter, but why is she so important to the plot - and to the sneaky Eli Mills too, who said that "she doesn't know how important she is"? Is there some other reason for her creation?


Freelance writer. Loves videogames, movies, comic books, and is inexplicably drawn to videogame movies.