8 Captain America: Civil War Characters Guaranteed To Disappoint

5. Agent 13

Rumour has it that Captain America: Civil War kicks off with the funeral of Peggy Carter. That's sure to be a blow to fans of the character, but it's not really that big of a deal when the younger version lives on in the Agent Carter TV series. Whether or not this movie is finally going to address that Agent 13 is related to her (in the comics, she's been a niece and granddaughter) remains to be seen, but one of the most disappointing parts of Captain America: The Winter Soldier was the fact that it failed to acknowledge their connection in any way. What is known is that Agent 13 will be on Team Cap, but in a movie as crowded as this one, it's tough to imagine the Russos finding the time to explore Sharon's family ties or effectively develop a romance between her and Steve Rogers. That's not to say neither of those things will happen, but they definitely won't have the same amount of screentime dedicated to them had this been a traditional solo outing. Emily VanCamp didn't make much of an impact the last time she appeared, but her screentime was limited, so we'll have to wait and see whether or not the Revenge alum can impress in this role. Ultimately, even a great performance is sure to be overshadowed by the disappointment which comes from Captain America: Civil War's inability to give her and Steve's relationship the attention it deserves in this busy flick.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.