8 Captain America: Civil War Characters Guaranteed To Disappoint

4. Crossbones

Crossbones didn't have a major role in the Civil War comic book, but his actions in an epilogue issue are what put an exclamation mark on this memorable Marvel event. After surrendering to authorities, Steve Rogers was shot and killed on the steps of a New York City courthouse, and Crossbones was the one who gunned the Star Spangled Avenger down. Yes, Sharon Carter delivered the fatal blow (that's where things start getting complicated thanks to brainwashing and time travel, so it's best left in the comics), but it was Crossbones who actually has the "honour" of being the one responsible for assassinating Captain America. Unfortunately, while Frank Grillo is set to return in this persona, it's believed that his role in the movie will be a small one. The actor certainly didn't spend long on set and it appears as if all he'll be doing is having a fight with Cap somewhere in the first act which culminates with him setting off a bomb that ultimately forces the government to forge ahead with the Accords. That's a pivotal role for the villain, but not one which sets the stage for him to gun down Steve or make a significant impact in the movie, especially as we've already seen pretty much his entire battle with Cap thanks to set photos and video. Throw in the fact that Marvel are unlikely to kill of Captain America in their big screen take on Civil War, and we may waiting until Captain America 3 to meet the definitive Crossbones.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.