8 Classic Movies That Introduced Me To 8 Classic Bands

4. Labyrinth €“ David Bowie

There really isn't much I can say about the inclusion of this classic soundtrack that hasn't already been said. I was about 9-years-old when this came out and it was every kids favorite movie, even if that legendary and completely inappropriate bulge made us giggle quite a number of times. The movie was magic, the movie was perfect, it was made by the guy who made the Muppets and introduced the world to Jennifer Connelly. That alone gives it a deserved cult film status. David Bowie's music fitted this weird and wonderful world perfectly. It was surreal but not frightening to us kids and a great way of showcasing his genius. Quite frankly, I have heard a lot of hearsay and conjecture on who the role was originally meant for (Michael Jackson, *shudder*), but I can't honestly see anyone else playing the part. You could get the greatest thespian the world has ever known and it still wouldn't be the same. This role was made for Bowie, was meant for Bowie, like some unseen force knew the significant impact this film would have on a generation and aligned the stars just right so the powers that be could make a Jim Henson/David Bowie collaboration. There is a sad side to this story though, as Jim Henson died not long after from septic shock due to abscesses on his lungs, making this his final directorial effort. A sad day for children worldwide, but his legacy lives with the reboot of the Muppets movies and the continued success of Sesame Street. David Bowie on the other hand, has just released a new album to critical acclaim that debuted on the UK charts at number one, which was announced on his 66th birthday. Love him or hate him, the Goblin King has left a musical legacy that will survive for generations.

Passions in life: Movies, Music and Wrestling....My childhood was spent growing up in the "Outback" of Australia (I'm a little bit country) and my adulthood resided within the city limits (I'm a little bit rock and roll), so you could say that I am the best (or worst) of both worlds. A 6 foot 7 ex wannabe pro wrestler (whose career was cut short due to a busted back, NOT caused by wrestling) & muso who has a precocious cat & a habit of doing the wrong thing but for the right reasons. The story of my life???? All demos, no albums ;)