8 Clues Deadpool Isn't Actually In The X-Men Movie Universe

6. The Helicarrier

Deadpool pushed its luck in terms of character rights - most of the nods and easter eggs were to the X-Men (or other Fox movies - Alien 3, Say Anything..., Taken), but there were some that jabbed towards characters outside of the studio's remit; there were several references to Spider-Man iconography, a sneaky cameo from Bob, Agent of HYDRA and, biggest of all, the Hellicarrier on which the final battle takes place. The film ostensibly gets away with this because it skirts just to the right side of contract law, but it certainly helped that Deadpool isn't as big a deal as the X-Men (although, following the film's reception, the better term should be "wasn't") and could thus play with things a bit more; having a felled Helicarrier pop up in Apocalypse would have surely got Marvel's legal department into a Hulk-inspired rage, whereas it here was probably just a meek, Bruce Banner shrug. However, this presents an issue when it comes to consolidating the world that Fox has established for Deadpool with the X-Men continuity; this establishes they have different defining. It'd be easy enough to just drop this sort of thing in any crossover, but if we're looking for distinctions between universes, this is a biggie.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.