8 Clues Deadpool Isn't Actually In The X-Men Movie Universe

5. The Lack Of Wolverine

Hugh Jackman had a fair share of jokes made at his expense throughout the film, kicking off with the allusion Deadpool provided sexual favours to get greenlit in the first place and just rolling from there. Naturally, everyone assumed this would all culminate in a cameo from Wolverine himself. Heck, when he wasn't and it was announced there was a bonus post-credits sting, I assumed 100% it would be a cheeky appearance from Logan. But nope, the closest we got was Wade wearing a Jackman mask when revealing his pruned face to Vanessa. Maybe the Aussie wasn't interested (unlikely), was too expensive (not too probable), simply unavailable (possibly) or was kept out to subvert expectations (wouldn't put it past them), although perhaps there's another explanation. What if Wolverine doesn't appear in Deadpool as a way to subtly allude to the fact that he doesn't actually exist in this meta-inclined universe? As it's the obvious in-joke, to not include him has to have some purpose, right?
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.