8 Clues Deadpool Isn't Actually In The X-Men Movie Universe

3. Professor X Turned A Blind Eye To The Creation Of Mutants

The plot of Deadpool hinges on a nefarious organisation taking a bunch of humans and, through torturous methods, transforming them into mutants. Eventually Wade Wilson sorts it out himself, burning the facility to the ground and hunting down all involved, but isn't this the sort of thing Charles Xavier would have stepped in to stop at some point? The Professor X alluded to in the film is rather different to the version movie audiences are accustomed to, readily going off into action and fostering the New Mutants, but his complete avoidance of the experimentation is an odd one; the character we've seen across all the films is an incredibly compassionate leader, and to think he wouldn't send a single X-Man to investigate and instead let the creation of new mutants (no relation) slide is ridiculous. Of course, the Professor X in the new, post-Days Of Future Past timeline could just be a bit less caring (possibly even due to the events of X-Men: Apocalypse) but what we've seen of him - Stewart vintage being exactly like the original and X The Younger reciting the monologue at the end of the time-altering movie - points towards the same base character and not someone who'd ignore a plight like this. So, does this mean the world of Deadpool has an alternate version of Charles.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.