8 Crazy Romantic Gestures In Movies (That Would Never Happen In Real Life)

1. Romeo + Juliet

romeo_juliet The swingin' Verona/Miami setting, the modern-fused-with-opera soundtrack, the Shakespearean language. Everything about this flick is unrealistic. Well, everything except maybe the abundance of Hawaiian shirts in Florida. But let's face it, even though we'd all love to have our own theme songs sung by Thom Yorke, it ain't gonna happen. That having been said, there are a couple things in this film that you could use to woo your honey, but don't blame me if it doesn't go as planned. Climb her balcony. And no, that's not a euphemism. Go to her house, maybe throw some stones at her window, then find a trellis, a vine, a gutter, anything you can scale, and start to make your way up there. If you manage not to fall on your ass (broken legs are not attractive, fellas), good luck avoiding her caretaker and armed guards and wooing your way into her bed so you won't have to figure out how to get back down. Course, maybe you'll get lucky and there'll be a pool for you to fall into. But probably not. You could also fake your own death to avoid marrying someone gross. Ladies, this is a great way to convey to your man "I'd die for you...but not really." You will, however, find out what his true feelings for you are. Hopefully you'll wake up before he kills himself in a last act of teenage stupidity, consequently guilt-tripping you into shooting yourself. But probably not.

Hayley Swinson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.