8 Disney Villains Who Weren't Actually That Evil

3. Captain Hook Is A Traumatised Victim Of Violence

Scar Lion King

To whom is Peter Pan accountable, exactly? He flies around "refusing to grow up" and causing mischief, yet Captain Hook is the one who suffers for it.

Hook's a pirate: he's interested in sailing, commanding his crew and nabbing the occasional bit of treasure - but what's any of that got to do with Peter Pan?

Specifically, why did Peter Pan chop off his hand and feed it to a crocodile? For the rest of his life, Hook - whose career is sea-based - is doomed to be afraid of the ocean, fearing the appearance of the crocodile that now has a taste of his blood.

It's no wonder Hook wants revenge, Pan has physically and mentally scarred the poor man for life - and all because he doesn't like Hook's choice of career.


Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.