8 Most Epic Jean-Claude Van Damme Moments

4. Van Damme... Wipes Out An Army Single Handed (Universal Soldier: Regeneration)

Usr Pic The third instalment in the Universal Soldier franchise sees Van Damme's resurrected soldier being forced back into service to combat an armed group that's taken over Chernobyl and threaten to explode the remaining reactor cores if their demands aren't met. And to add to the stress of that someone has also brought his old nemesis Dolph Lundgren back to life, setting the scene for a punishing showdown. Hooking into the old adage that good things come to those who wait Universal Soldier: Regeneration cunningly keeps Van Damme to the sidelines for the most of the film, building anticipation for the eventual ass kicking, until he's finally unleashed in the 3rd act. He then grabs the nearest assault rifle and proceeds to single-handedly kill everything in sight with an eerie look of calm on his face. When he runs out of bullets he switches to a large knife, and when he gets bored of that he resorts to his fists. He becomes so monstrous that at one point a terrified enemy soldier throws himself out of a window rather than have to deal with him head on. Add to that his epic, destruction heavy rematch with Dolph Lundgren and the seriously impressive single shot take of him decimating a building full of soldiers and you have one of the most underrated action films of recent years. Do yourself a favour and seek it out.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.