8 Famous Movie Scenes Created Completely By Accident

1. Don't Piss Off Bruce Lee - Enter The Dragon

Inglourious Basterds Melanie Laurent
Warner Bros.

The title probably seems like an obvious one here - don't piss off Bruce Lee. He's a martial arts master, certified bad ass, and legitimately can take your face off with one kick, so surely just don't risk it. It's not worth losing your jaw.

Enter the Dragon is Lee's most famous martial arts movie, showcasing his incredible skill set as both an actor and a fighting machine - telling the tale of a man going undercover in a martial arts competition to get to the bottom of a crime syndicate.

In one scene where Lee and Robert Wall are battling, real bottles were used to get better effects for the fight, but unfortunately resulted in Wall accidentally cutting Lee on the arm with broken glass. When his arm healed and they later came to film another fight scene together; Bruce Lee was pissed off enough to kick Wall so hard he flew backwards into an extra and broke the poor bystanders arm.

The rumours surrounding the pair's feud during filming - aka, that Lee wanted to actually kill Wall and the two hated each other - were apparently dismissed as fake, but this moment was all too real. Why kill someone when you can beat them hard enough the next person over can feel it, hey?

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