8 Great Characters Sony's Marvel Movies Have Completely Screwed Up
7. Danny Ketch
The Danny Ketch version of Ghost Rider isn't exactly a massive fan-favourite, but he deserved better than this. The terrible Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance took everything that was wrong with the first movie and made it trashy as hell, and Danny ended up becoming little more than a McGuffin for the titular hero. That was only made worse by the fact that he also ended up being one of those stereotypical "brave" movie kids. While you could see that Neveldine/Taylor were at least trying to set the stage for Danny to become Ghost Rider somewhere down the line (they were clearly naively optimistic about the chances of sequels), the directing duo missed a golden opportunity to have two versions of Ghost Rider on the big screen at the same time here. Instead, this half-demon version of Danny ended up being wasted and quickly forgotten.