8 Horror Films Ruined By Disappointing Death Scenes

4. Pennywise - It Chapter Two

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New Line Cinema

It Chapter Two is the overlong, sprawling sequel to the wildly successful 2017 adaptation of the Stephen King novel of the same name. Set some twenty-seven years after the events of the first film, this admittedly scary follow-up sees the Losers Club return to Derry in order to take on Pennywise (aka It), the shape-shifting demonic clown who has haunted the group since childhood.

With excellent performances from its stellar cast (which includes James McAvoy, Bill Hader, and Jessica Chastain), It Chapter Two does offer some genuine scares. However, all in all, this sequel is generally considered far weaker than its predecessor, especially due to its unexpectedly disappointing ending.

As the film draws to a close, the Losers Club travel below the town's sewers in order to finally confront, and hopefully destroy, Pennywise. The group are eventually able to defeat the murderous monster... by bullying It. Yes, the gang mock, tease, and taunt the transdimensional terror until he shrinks to such a small size that Mike (Isaiah Mustafa) is able to destroy the monster's heart.

This underwhelming ending totally undermines the frightening atmosphere crafted throughout both It Chapter Two and its predecessor, leaving audiences confused and disappointed.


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