8 Horror Movie Monsters Scarier Than The Actual Villain

2. Carol - The Mortuary Collection

It Chapter 1
Trapdoor Pictures

You might think that by virtue of it being an anthology horror movie, The Mortuary Collection doesn't have a main villain, but you'd be wrong.

The Tooth Fairy killer, otherwise known as Sam, acts as the main villain of the final story about a murderer who kidnaps, kills and eats children. She's also initially presented as the protagonist of the wraparound story that frames each segment, until it's of course revealed that she's been evil the whole time.

Sam is certainly a memorable antagonist, especially with how the movie otherwise keeps her real nature a complete secret, but she's not the scariest monster in the flick though. In fact, it's not even close.

The third segment, entitled To Death, is the strongest of the bunch. About a man called Wendell trying to get the dead body of his wife out of his apartment building via chopping her up and stuffing her in a suitcase, the corpse is quickly shown to be more than human.

After he's gotten the case to the elevator, the transformed body of the wife pops out of its confines. Looking decayed and skeletal, the monster is absolutely terrifying as it demands a kiss from Wendell. Sadly, her appearance is over as quickly as it begins.

Get me a full movie about this scenario, stat.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3