8 Horror Movie Villains That Just Weren't Scary

2. The Gingerdead Man (The Gingerdead Man Series)

What could be more absurd and less frightening than a giant killer snowman? The answer is a killer gingerbread man, of course. This 2005 film is a horror-comedy that never scares and rarely raises a titter of laughter. That the film is only 70 minutes long also suggests that the writers had a problem coming up for things for the Gingerdead Man to do. After being executed (sensing a theme here), killer Millard Findlemeyer (the character's actual name) returns as a rampaging gingerbread man after his ashes are added to the mix. Culinary carnage ensues, including a character being encased in frosting, decorated and then stored away in the freezer. A 2013 sequel saw the Gingerdead Man taking on The Evil Bong in a true clash of the titans. These stoner horror-comedies are, not surprisingly, rather cookie-cutter.
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Jack Frost
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...