8 Horror Movies Where An Actor Dies BEFORE Their Opening Credit!

5. Shane Connor & Ben Gerrard - Wolf Creek 2

Fear Street Maya Hawke
Roadshow Film Distributors

You may not know the names Shane Connor and Ben Gerrard, but they nevertheless made memorable appearances at the start of Wolf Creek 2 as Aussie highway patrol officers Gary Bulmer and Brian O'Connor.

The pair are prominently featured in the slasher sequel's 12-minute opening sequence, parked up on a remote outback highway and scanning for speeding motorists.

They eventually stop serial killer Mick Taylor (John Jarratt) for speeding, and after a tense confrontation, send him on his way with a speeding ticket and a stern warning.

But as the cops drive off and mock Taylor to themselves, O'Connor's head is suddenly exploded into a bloody mist by one of Taylor's rifle bullets, and given that O'Connor was also driving the car, it suddenly crashes to a stop.

At this point, Taylor catches up to the car and finds a wounded Bulmer crawling out of the wreckage. He then stabs him in the spine, throws him back in the car, douses him with petrol, and sets the whole thing alight, leaving Bulmer to burn to death.

Despite being killed off before the movie proper even starts and hardly being name actors, the duo get fifth and sixth billing on the following opening credits sequence.

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