8 Horror Movies Where An Actor Dies BEFORE Their Opening Credit!

3. Angus Scrimm - Subspecies

Fear Street Maya Hawke
Full Moon Features

Angus Scrimm is of course best known for playing the Tall Man in the cult fave Phantasm franchise, but he also made a fleeting appearance in the first entry into the straight-to-video vampire series Subspecies.

In 1991's Subspecies, Scrimm is literally the first character the audience meets - King Vladislas, who is soon enough approached by his vampiric son Radu (Anders Hove).

Radu wishes to acquire the Bloodstone from his father - a stone which allegedly drips the blood of saints - by any means necessary, prompting Vladislas to attempt to destroy his wayward child.

His effort is unsuccessful, though, and Radu eventually gets the better of his old man, stabbing him to death. Immediately afterwards, the film's opening titles play out, with Scrimm getting - you guessed it - the coveted "and" credit too.

But given that Scrimm was the only name actor among the cast, can you blame the filmmakers at all for riding those juicy Phantasm coattails? It's just smart business sense at that point.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.