8 Insane DC Extended Universe Rumours You Need To See To Believe

6. The Flash Will Have A "Tech-Based" Suit

To avoid interfering with Warner Bros.' big screen plans, the Clark Kent in Smallville was not allowed to fly or wear the Superman costume. The Suicide Squad meanwhile - who became one of the most popular parts of Arrow - have now been declared off limits to The CW series, despite there at one point being talks of them getting their own spinoff. Neither of those options are going to be feasible for The Flash; Barry Allen is already running around Central City fully suited up and taking on iconic villains like Captain Cold and the Reverse-Flash. What can the upcoming movie starring Ezra Miller bring to the table that's new? Er, a bigger budget? That's a problem for the Scarlet Speedster's solo movie, but the point is that there will be two live action versions of The Flash knocking around by the time next year, so what will Zack Snyder do to ensure that moviegoers don't get the two confused? Well, according to one rumour which has been gaining a lot of steam lately, Miller's version of Barry Allen is going to be suited up in a "tech-based" costume (this Barry is apparently very much into creating gadgets and the like) which bears a resemblance to The Flash's armoured look in the Injustice: Gods Among Us video game. While this is certainly an interesting direction to take The Flash in, you'd think Warner Bros. would have gone for a CGI heavy appearance similar to the current "New 52" comic books rather than bulky armour which doesn't really suit a character who is supposed to be able to move quickly. Of course, it could be that they're hoping to avoid the mistakes they made with Green Lantern's suit back in 2011, but regardless of how it's created, the big screen Flash is going to have a very unique appearance!

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.