8 Insane DC Extended Universe Rumours You Need To See To Believe

5. Green Lantern Is Going To Be A Buddy Cop Movie

An announcement which went under the radar at this year's Comic-Con was the fact that the upcoming Green Lantern reboot will be titled Green Lantern Corps. Before you start getting PTSD style flashbacks of the awful CGI Oa from the 2011 movie though, don't worry, that actually refers to a plan to pair Hal Jordan up with Jon Stewart in what sounds like a pretty fun approach to the franchise. Not an awful lot is known about what Warner Bros. has planned for this one (it's not set to be released for another five years after all), and that includes whether or not the action is going to be set in space - er, at least special effects will have improved vastly by then - or on Earth. What the initial report from Collider did state though is that the movie is going to revolve around two or three human Green Lanterns. Kyle Rayner and Guy Gardner could also show up here if that's the case, and the site even indicated that the focus could be on a team of Green Lantern Corps members, something which again opens the door to the possibility that we'll be seeing some alien characters joining them. This obviously leaves us with a lot of questions, the main one being which of the aforementioned human Green Lanterns is going to factor into the two-part Justice League movie. Could we see the team utilising both Hal and Jon? That would certainly be different, though it could be a long time before we find out. Older rumours point to Green Lantern not showing up in the DC Extended Universe until right at the very end of Justice League Part One when he crashes to Earth to warn the newly assembled heroes of an incoming threat. Who? I'll get to that a little later in this feature...

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.