8 Insane DC Extended Universe Rumours You Need To See To Believe

4. The Joker's Murderous Past

I mentioned the possibility of a flashback showing The Joker shooting Barbara Gordon, but there's actually a far more popular rumour doing the rounds in regards to how he'll factor into Batman v Superman. As Batman looks at the graffiti covered costume of his departed sidekick, a scene will be triggered which features Jared Leto's Joker brutally murdering Robin with a crowbar before defacing his costume with that message for the Dark Knight. That seems pretty dark for a summer blockbuster, though that does appear to be the name of the game with these DC Comics adaptations. After all, the words dark, gritty, and grounded have been relentlessly thrown our way ever since these movies were announced! Can this one really be believed? After all, it seems too good to be true, but so too did those rumours about Robin's costume being on display in the Batcave! Given Snyder's love of the source material and his slavish adaptation of Watchmen, chances are that he has indeed recreated this iconic scene, albeit without his son (the director recently denied claims that he'll have him suit as Robin to get taken out by The Joker). With Batman confirmed to appear in Suicide Squad, it's obvious that the history between these two foes is going to be explored early on in the DC Extended Universe anyway, so chances are this one is true. Here's a pretty major Suicide Squad spoiler for you too; that is apparently going to end with the Clown Prince of Crime breaking out of captivity and going on a killing spree, potentially setting The Joker up as the villain of the Ben Affleck helmed Batman movie which he's currently writing with comic book scribe Geoff Johns.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.