8 Insane DC Extended Universe Rumours You Need To See To Believe

3. Batman V Superman Is The Most Expensive Movie Of All-Time

Just weeks after it was revealed that the two-part Avengers: Infinity War is likely to set Disney back by around $1 billion ($200 million of which will of course be going to Robert Downey Jr.), rumour has it that the budget for Zack Snyder's two Justice League movies is going to be a slightly more conservative - but still huge - $500 million. That more than enough, but why have they locked that amount in already? Well, it could be that they want to avoid a repeat of what's supposedly happened on Batman v Superman! Now, you don't need to be a genius to figure out that the movie has probably cost Warner Bros. a lot of money, but chances are you probably didn't expect it to be possibly the most expensive of all-time. Based on a new report from Latino-Review though, that's exactly what's happened after "the addition of big name cast members, practical sets, and an extended production schedule" have led to the budget ballooning to $410 million, a number similar to current record holder Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. Providing this has been money well spent, there's probably no reason to worry, but Warner Bros.' bean counters are now no doubt keeping everything crossed that Batman v Superman manages to sail well beyond that all important $1 billion mark at the worldwide box office.If for some reason it falls short - could negative reviews hold it back? - then the future of these DC Comics adaptations could be in serious jeopardy. Regardless, it's pretty mind-blowing that Batman v Superman has ended up costing this much, especially as marketing expenses likely don't factor into that amount. Let's hope it's money well spent, eh?

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.