8 Major Characters Who Could Die In X-Men: Days Of Future Past

7. Colossus

Why He Could Die: Colossus is one of the mutants in the already released opening sequence who are discovered by Sentinels and forced to run. (SPOILER ALERT) In pre-released script pages, Colossus is one of the original trilogy mutants to fall to the Sentinels and judging by his presence in the opening sequence, that will happen sooner than later. Again, the existence of time travel could very well bring him back to life, but the Sentinels need to be established as a credible threat and taking down a powerful mutant like Colossus would certainly be a good way to do that. Why He Could Live: As stated earlier, the presence of time travel could make sure Colossus stays alive, but there is really no reason for him to live due to the fact that he plays no part in the core story. He could also appear at the end of the film during a montage that shows all of the lives saved due to the heroism in the past. Likelihood: 8/10. Colossus isn't immensely popular with the fans and plays no part in the main narrative, so death is far more likely than life in his case.

I'm a fan of all things comic book and an avid moviegoer. Trying to catch up on a never-ending backlog of films- maybe someday. Leave me a comment if you enjoy my articles, think I'm a hack, or anywhere in between.