8 Major Characters Who Could Die In X-Men: Days Of Future Past

6. Storm

Why She Could Die: Just look at that picture! That's a screenshot from the second trailer for the movie, and the Sentinel gets extremely close to stabbing her before the camera cuts away. Also, Storm is one the most powerful of the mutants of the future, second only to Professor X and Magneto themselves; it would really establish the power of the Sentinels if they took out as big of a gun as her. Storm features pretty heavily in the trailer, but most of her scenes are a small amount of shots constantly recycled, meaning her presence in the film is likely a small one. Why She Could Live: Storm is pretty powerful. The next shot after the one in the picture above could very well be a bolt of lightning striking the Sentinel and knocking it back. Also, her death would mean she theoretically can't be used in future movies, which is a shame because the other films have failed at getting her character right. Again, if she were to die, time travel could bring her back to life if Wolverine is able to save the past. Likelihood: 7/10. While not as likely to be killed as Colossus, Storm very well might fall in battle to the Sentinels.

I'm a fan of all things comic book and an avid moviegoer. Trying to catch up on a never-ending backlog of films- maybe someday. Leave me a comment if you enjoy my articles, think I'm a hack, or anywhere in between.