8 Major Characters Who Could Die In X-Men: Days Of Future Past

5. Past Magneto

Why He Could Die: In the recently released trailer, Young Xavier, Young Beast, and Wolverine rescue Young Magneto from his prison under the Pentagon, making it seem as if he will be working with the good guys this time around. However, scenes later in the trailer like the one above make it seem like Magneto has his own agenda once again, meaning an action he takes may be the thing that causes the future to go so awry. Therefore, it may be necessary for the militant mutant to be killed in order to save the future. Why He Could Live: In a recent press release about X-Men: Apocalypse, the characters of Magneto, Beast, Professor Xavier, and Mystique were all confirmed to play a part in the film. That definitely makes it seem as if Magneto makes it through Days of Future Past. Also, it is rumored that Mystique is actually the one that causes the detrimental future, meaning Magneto may not need to be killed after all. Likelihood: 3/10. Michael Fassbender's performance was very well received in First Class, and killing Magneto would be a dark turn for the franchise they are unlikely to take.

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