8 Major Characters Who Could Die In X-Men: Days Of Future Past

4. Future Xavier

Why He May Die: The Sentinels are definitely a force to be reckoned with, and since they are machines, Professor X's telepathic powers should theoretically have no effect on them. Therefore, he will be powerless to stop them if they happen to discover the X-Men during their plan to alter the past. A scene where the X-Men barely succeed to send Wolverine back and are killed just as they accomplish the deed would be powerfully done and also make Wolverine's mission that much more critical. Why He May Live: Xavier has already died before in X-Men: The Last Stand, and the way that he is alive has still not been cleared up (we don't buy that he has a brain-dead identical twin that he's never mentioned before). Repeating his death would be redundant except if it is done as a group massacre. Also, he could be killed in a manner similar to as mentioned earlier, but then later be resurrected once more when the past is changed. Likelihood: 5/10. The future X-Men definitely have a higher chance of perishing, and although Xavier has died before, there's about an equal chance of him dying again as there is for him living.

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