8 Moments In Back To The Future That Could Have Been VERY Different

3. Doc's Pet Chimpanzee

Back to the Future Marty Michael J Fox

Up until the second draft, Doc's pet looked a little different to Einstein the dog everyone knows and loves in the movie. The scriptwriters originally had the idea of the scientist owning a chimpanzee called Shemp instead, in tribute to Ham the first chimp that travelled in to space in 1961.

In this version of the script, Shemp, much like Einstein, is the first to trial the time machine and is sent two minutes in to the future. When he returns, the trip gives Marty the idea to travel to the past and make bets on racing results (later used in the plot of Back To The Future 2) in which Doc disagrees with the idea stating that this will cause too many repercussions.

Universal were adamant that movies with chimps did not sell, so along with other major changes, this idea was ditched. Other changes included shortening Emmet Brown's title to 'Doc' instead of 'Doctor' to not be confused with the cream soda brand and creating a new power source for the machine that did not include the famous Coca-Cola brand.


New Writer! Comic book movie lover, 80's films and 'nerdy' TV shows